So, as I am writing this, I have just turned 46 years old. Certainly, age is a perspective and to some of you reading this that might seem quite young while others may shocked at how someone so old can look so young. Okay, maybe not, but you get the idea. How old one appears (or feels) is really a matter of perspective.
I was thinking about being 46 and wondering if my best years of productivity are behind me. Then I began to wonder, "What if I have another 46 years?" What would prevent them from being the most productive years of my life? Why would I stop growing? In my faith? In my wisdom? I think of someone like Billy Graham who reached far, far more people with the gospel between the age of 46 and his current age of 90 then he did in his first 46 years.
Ultimately, however, I thought this: Is not God bigger than all this? Is not God larger than any one life (save Jesus) could contain? Believing that with all my heart, could I not expect to grow in Christ my entire life? Indeed, the only thing that can prevent this is myself. If I believe I have reached my full capacity or decided I had done enough with my life, then I could certainly hinder the effectiveness of my life. I could put a halt on and fail to realize the full potential of the life God has planned for me.
May I never do that and may you never do that. May you keep living this life until such time that you join Christ in the resurrection and then may you continue to live your life to the fullest in Him. May you never believe that your life is meant for anything less than the greatness God has planned for it. May you live with anticipation of each day and unwrapping the lifelong gift of potential that is ours from God. And most of all, may you live in utter awe of how big our God is.