Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I saw God today...

I saw God today…

Your mission, should you decide to accept it… What t.v. show or movie? If you don’t know then I’m too old. Mission Impossible, kids. The word mission has always been intriguing to me. When I think of the word it reminds me of adventure, a purpose, or goal to achieve. Sometimes it is mysterious and top secret like in espionage films or Navy Seal operations. Many companies have what are called mission statements. A statement to remind folks of what they are doing and to always keep focused on that. When checking out Merriam-Webster.com here is a quick paste of part of what I found:

Definition of MISSION

1. obsolete : the act or an instance of sending : a ministry commissioned by a religious organization to propagate its faith or carry on humanitarian work b : assignment to or work in a field of missionary enterprise c (1) : a mission establishment (2) : a local church or parish dependent on a larger religious organization for direction or financial support d plural : organized missionary work e : a course of sermons and services given to convert the unchurched or quicken Christian faith

? Sort of confused by this online version, I grabbed my old Webster’s dictionary from 1970 and it states:

1. A sending out or being sent out to perform a special duty.

2. A) a group of missionaries.

B) it’s headquarters.

3. A diplomatic delegation.

4. The special duty on which one is sent.

5. The special task for which one seems destined in life; calling ( J )

Still confused? No worries. Your mission should you decide to accept it: The Great Commission.

11 disciples go to a mountain in Galilee, where they were told to go. Jesus then tells them and you:

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28 : 18-20

Threshold church. A missional church. A place of worship and prayer in Toledo, Ohio. A church recently placed by God on the University of Toledo campus, to make disciples. To hear of this story of how we got here is nothing short of a miracle. What is really exciting now is going back to the mission aspect. We know now what our mission is. We know now what our mission field is. Now it is time to go out and let God work through us to do his will. Exciting times are in front of us. An adventurous time. A roller coaster? Clink.. Clink.. A God adventure is the best and only ride, especially one filled with faith. (Heb 11:1) One that we are ready to go on. Ready to hop on?

After having a fantastic lunch and inspirational conversation with PT at Ferdos, I felt led to do something. With today being the first day of classes at the University, I wanted to go walk and pray on our new mission field. My sole purpose was to just walk and talk with God. To walk around campus, silently pray “I love you. God Bless you,” to the students I walked past. And also, re familiarize myself with campus, buildings and where things are. As I started my walk, it started bringing back many memories from when I was a student there. Almost 20 years ago. YIKES!

The sounds of flip flops and laughter filled the air on this warm but breezy August Monday. It was funny while walking past kids. Many were talking or texting on cell phones. Some you could tell were excited to be back living life as a student while heading to their next new class. You could also spot the nervous freshman a mile a way. Afraid to make eye contact and looking straight at the ground. Another dude wore baggy jeans and a Metallica t-shirt. His face showed all seriousness. I wondered if he was in ROTC. I told him silently to “Rock on, God Bless you brother.” As I walked further in to campus, I started to feel a peace. Something just felt right. I headed through campus, found the student union, the library and various buildings. I then walked across the bridge towards the athletic complex and found the outdoor track. Here I walked a mile and came to a realization that Threshold is at the start of a new adventure. We have been given our mission. I then prayed that we do His will on this campus and then said the Lord’s prayer. After that I just tried to be quiet and enjoy the sun popping through the clouds. On my way back into campus is when it happened. I saw God today.

The next half an hour was intense. I guess in my own ignorance I had just thought everyone around me were atheist kids and organizations. Wondering and praying HOW we are going to connect with these students. According to Barna research, 18-25-year olds are the least likely age group to attend church. Another piece of research shows, The national average of Christians on university campuses is less than 5 percent. You read quotes like this and hear people say them and in a weird way you already feel defeated. It feels like we have already lost the fight. Wrong! What happened to me next changed my attitude and approach to these kids. God is everywhere. He is all over the University. I just had to open my eyes. The first was getting out of my comfort zone of just walking and to start talking. To connect with some people. Then a feeling of peace overcame me again and then it felt like a monkey was soon to jump off my back.

While walking back to the campus I glanced over to the Glass Bowl. Crews were working on the scoreboard and I was hoping that the team was going to be good this year. I then crossed the street and walked up to information booth. Set up on the first day of classes to help guide students and give out information. Deep down I was just hoping to score a football schedule but was given a directory of student organizations magazine, a student day runner and a pen. I thanked the guy and opened up the day runner. It listed the academic calendar, important numbers, and the Rocket football schedule. Kewl. I then walked back across the bridge and saw another table set up. It was quite simple. A stack of index cards, pieces of candy and two dudes standing there smiling.

“What’s up fellas?”, I asked. “ Would you like to fill out one of our cards?” I picked up a card and read the top: 60 Second Spiritual Perspective Questionnaire. I chuckeld and then had a great five minute conversation with these impressive young warriors. They were with an organization called Campus Crusade for Christ. I got their contact info and shared with them Threshold. If they were in need of a house of prayer or worship that our doors are open and all are welcome. I walked away feeling that peace again. Knowing that we as a body of Christ are going to partner and work with them in the near future. I headed into the main campus and found a bench. Sitting underneath the shade of a small tree I took a glance around the buildings, feeling once again like a college kid. I then glanced to my left hand and opened my student organization magazine. I opened it right to a page that sort of took my breath away. What I was staring at was almost shocking.

RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. Holy Toledo. I then counted over 24 different organizations. 22 of them dealing with Christ. I then glanced up into the quad. Watching all of the students. It hit me that we are all God’s children. Christians are everywhere. We are all brothers and sisters. We can all work together to fulfill the mission. I then said a prayer of thanks. Thanks for allowing me to see what I didn’t know. All I had to do was open my eyes and more importantly my heart.

As I continued my walk back to Threshold something caught my eye. I was on the corner of Campus road and Scott Hall. Looking down on the steps of the hall, I saw some chalk art. At this moment, I nervously laughed and looked at the sky. “Ok, I get it,” I told the Lord. Looking down on the steps in different colors of chalk it read: GOD IS LOVE.

As I turned right onto Campus road I then heard something loud. It startled me at first but then is was music to me ears, literally. It was just a car coming up from behind me. The stereo was beyond loud. I laughed out loud, thinking I used to do the same thing when I got done from a busy day of classes. I rolled my windows down and then cranked the stereo on 11. As the car passed me I quickly looked at the student. I could not see him but could hear the music. It was a song called Monster. A hit from one the biggest Christian hard rock bands of our time, Skillet. “Rock on. God Bless you brother.”

If you have read this far, I thank you. I have one request for you. If you are member of Threshold, a supporter of Threshold, or just finding out about Threshold, please pray. That is it. Pray for our new mission field. Every person on our campus. The University President, faculty, staff and of course all of the students. Our new mission field has over 20,000+ people. God has put us here for a reason. Pretty awesome yet very humbling to say the least. As we are ready to enter into this exciting new season, please join us in this mission. That His will be done. YOU can be with us. This is going to be an amazing adventure. One that is part of a gigantic God movement happening all over the world. Now is the time. You don’t want to miss this revival. Exciting times are happening now.

From Jaeson Ma’s exciting book , The Blue Print, I will close with this: “Dr. Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, always said, Win the campus today and change the world tomorrow! He understood that reaching college students for Christ is the key to transforming society. His vision to change the campus in order to reach the world has impacted countless millions with the gospel. We must establish God’s kingdom, His Church, on every college and university campus in this generation because this is where reformation begins. The campus is the greatest mission field in our world today.”

Your mission should you choose to accept it..

Saturday, June 12, 2010

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Searching for Kairos

Morn' mates. Wow, what a weekend we just had. We have been going non stop and I have had no time to blog if anyone is checking. I have been journaling and taking notes (already 20 pages) and have learned so much already and the convention starts today. I just want to say real quick that Threshold is doing a great job. We ARE so on track and have the working dna of this movement. Thank God we are an organic church. Trust me when I say the word movement. It is happening and going explode all over the world. How exciting that we are part of this amazing history of the church.
Kent Hunter said it might take up to 6months to a year, maybe longer to process everything we are seeing and doing. I think there is some truth in that. Since, I am so pressed for time right now, just want u to know we are seeing amazing things. These folks are the true living body, meaning they are living their walk on a daily basis as disciple. Not just on Sun. or once a month in a cluster (callout) I feel we have much more to do in this area. We are not lazy Americans. We just have to simply start just living more for Jesus and then everything else will fall in place. Sorry if that sounds confusing. On a quick side note, it is true about teeth. The would enjoy that dry english humour. lol.
Couple quick things. The are living in a biblical community. They really and truly go out and establish relationships with the world. They LIVE while all doing lifeshapes and being in discipleship programs. The culture has been fun and interesting. The people of England are real nice are going crazy in regards to the world cup. The food is been funny. I have tried to be adventurous and try new things. Bangers and Mash anyone? Bajed beans for breakfast? Also tried Marmade. uggh You put it on toast. Nasty. Yesterday was awesome. Went to 3 worship services. That made a huge impact on us and to sum up in one word: AUTHENTIC. So real. We went to a cluster event too. Have to hop in shower. More to come. Thanks for prayer and talk soon. Cheers, j and s

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Getting ready to fly across the pond. I will do my best to blog if time allows. We are heading to St. Thomas church in Sheffield, UK. Only 300 people from around the world are invited to attend what is called pilgrimage week. After looking up the word pilgrimage in Websters it states- a journey made by a pilgrim, esp. to a holy place. That made the hair on my arms stand up. My center of focus upon arriving is to empty my cup and absorb and learn everything the Holy Spirit will allow me to. I am so interested in how this church started and what amazing things they are doing. Specifically in the area of what scripture this ministry is based on. Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4. I want to learn and experience how they use these different gifts for a biblical basis for ministry in person. Also, super excited to learn about Form, see their clusters (callouts), and experience authentic worship and hopefully some prophecy. I hope to meet Mike Breen, have a few pints in a real pub, witness the country side and all the history of the country, especially the churches and further my study on Life Shapes. Anyhoo, gotta run. Thank you to all who supported Sam and I. We love you and thank you. Talk to you soon and please keep us in prayer. Peace, j

Monday, May 24, 2010

Friday’s Walk

by Josh Humberger

On Friday April 2nd, 2010 we glorified Jesus. I did this with an amazing team of people, which started with a very simple idea. An idea over two years in the making. An idea that I knew I had to try and live out, but was not sure how or when to do it. After attending STORY Chicago last year, this idea was confirmed. So, after hours of thinking and praying about this simple idea, I told a few people about it. The reaction was mixed. Here is what I said: "On Good Friday I am going to dress as Jesus and carry a cross in three major downtown cities. By doing this, people will see this and they will think of Jesus and that it is Good Friday. Then they will think of their relationship or lack of one with Him and think of what He did for us" Period.

Although a simple idea or plan of action, it took a tremendous amount of time and preparation to do this. For starters, not getting a hair cut. I wanted to look as best and authentic as I could. So for 15 months I let the hair ride. A big thanks to my wife for her patience in this matter. Next, was getting in shape. It was going to be a physically grueling day to pull this off. To get in shape and get strong enough, I started and completed an extreme physical fitness program called P90X. 6 days a week for 12 weeks. The beginning was rough but I stuck it out and it worked. Towards the end, I was able to do over 40 pull ups in a workout. Next, came all the planning of my routes and what cities. Location scouting. Putting together a team that would be with me. Growing a beard, finding a costume. Going on 5 mile walks in the park with weights. Daily bible study. Watching and studying Jesus films. Going to the tanning booth. Mapping out and driving the routes and having the closest hospitals marked. Designing and building an authentic 8 ft cross. Prayer, then more prayer. Catering, transportation, the list goes on and on and then came the attacks…

Two week prior to the walk, crazy things started to happen. Scary things. During this time I kept going to scripture. I kept going to 3 key verses. Reading and meditating on them over and over. Ephesians 6:13 Joshua 1:9 and Hebrews 11:1. I can truly say that it felt like many times, something was trying to stop me. For example, two weeks before the big day I had a freak accident. I heard something pop in my lower back. For over two days, if I even lifted a coffee mug, I would catch my breath. The week of the walk I awoke in the middle of the night after a terrifying nightmare, in which I was attacked and stabbed in my leg. I laid there on a sidewalk and watched myself die. I had a few people say to my face that "I could get shot and die doing this." I had people willing to help with this project then back away. My jeep broke down and I had no wheels to get things done three days before Friday. So many things were coming at me that at times I really doubted if I was going to pull this off.

Two years of thinking and planning, came down to one day. Was it going to be raining and 34 degrees? Were any of us going to get sick that week? Was I going to get arrested? If I got attacked will the team remain in safety? Will I martyr myself doing this? I was filled with so much anxiety the week of, that I had some serious trouble sleeping. I would just lay there in bed and be thinking about that cross. In building it with my dad, I wanted it to really look big and real. After it was completed and stained, I had one reoccurring thought. This thing is HEAVY. Was I really going to be able to drag it as far as I wanted to. Crazy questions mixed with anxious fear. Deep down though, I found strength. It was the reason I was doing this. JESUS

Good Friday Morning I awoke at 5 a.m. My first thought was, "Well. Here we are. Today is the day. Tomorrow morning, if I am still here, I will never have to feel this much anticipation ever again." As the team arrived, we had breakfast and prayer. We reviewed and double checked everything. Loaded the truck and then headed to the east side of downtown Toledo. Although the butterflies were dancing, I was really more excited and just ready to GO OUT and do this. I will state this now. If I would have tried to do this alone, it would not have happened. Thank you to my team: Sam, George, Tom, Justin, and Mike, and then all of the love and support of my family, friends and relatives and my church Threshold. THANK YOU for the prayer support. I could truly feel you with me out there. It was amazing. And what happened on this day was one of the most exciting, adventurous, and fulfilling days I have ever had in my life as a Christ follower. Thank you all.

Toledo -Detroit - Cleveland. 3 Cities in 1 day. The 40 pound cross was carried over 5 miles. When the day was finished we had traveled over 410 miles and completed it in about 15 hours. What happened was truly amazing. First off, nothing bad happened. It turned into a day of prayer, worship, and a very positive experience. For us and for those who saw this. I could write for hours on all the different life experiences but I will share just a couple highlights of each town.

Toledo: Our hometown. Television crews and the Toledo Blade followed us the whole 2 mile route. It was beyond exciting walking across the Cherry St Bridge while looking at downtown Toledo as the sun rose upon the buildings. Although it was not really busy this time of the morning, I had plenty of cars driving by honking their horns at me. I had one lady who just had to talk to me and say "God Bless you for doing this." It was also really neat walking across 5/3rd Field and through downtown and it's historic buildings. I also saw the impact it was having as I made eye contact with folks. We ended by doing a lap around the Lucas County Court House. At the conclusion of this walk I stopped at the 10 Commandments statue. I then did something that no one noticed. I laid the cross down in front and across it. We then went into St. Paul's church across the street to rest and pray. While inside, I gave my mom a quick call to update her and tell her everything was alright. She said my dad went to the park and went for a walk and to pray at the exact time I was walking. I heard that and started bawling.

We then hopped on 75N to Detroit Rock City. I was feeling super happy and wanted to jam some heavy music. I was getting more pumped up because I knew that I was going to physically be able to drag that cross. My only issue was the top of my shoulders. They were getting tender and sore. One thing I never prepared for or expected was that on the side walk, every five feet is a gap. Every time the bottom of the cross hit a gap it dug down on my shoulder. I knew that I was going to be in some pain but I also knew that what I felt wasn't .00005% of what He went through for us.

Detroit: The city I was most concerned about for obvious reasons. The Lord gave us a really nice and warm day. The temperature during this time really started to climb around 11:00a.m. A big highlight is the visual of this walk. We went to a very popular blvd. The starting spot was Hockey Town and then we began the walk going past Comerica Park (go Tiga's) and into downtown. It was pretty busy with street traffic and I also knew there had to be thousands looking out the windows of their buildings while at work. In the beginning of this walk I received a few negative looks and vibes. One guy yelled at me that I looked liked Eddie Vedder from the band Pearl Jam. Right after that guy, I had a man who was hunched over walk in front of me. Believe me or not but his face changed/morphed into something beyond scary or evil. If you have seen the Passion, then you may remember the scene with Judas and the kids and their faces morphing. That is what I saw and all I will say about this. As we got about half way, I felt someone on my back while stopped at a traffic light. He was very close to me and I wasn't sure what was going to happen. Then he starts yelling. He starts street preaching while I start walking. At first I was like "oh nooo," but then what I was hearing him yell at the top of his lungs I could not dispute. He was preaching the word and attracting a ton of people to look at me. After a little while longer we stopped again at a light. He was staring at me so intently. So I reached out and gave him a hug and said "God bless you brother." He thought I WAS Jesus. He shared with me his feelings on the End of Days and that he thought Jesus really had come back. We continued for another mile to the walks conclusion with him preaching and me carrying that cross. A few days before, I was ripping on street preachers and the negative effect they have on people, usually because of the condemnation in their message, but this brother was different. I felt safe with him on my side. It was like I had a brother, a warrior if you will with me. It was an amazing experience and when we got done he shared a Power Ade with us and talked. Very kewl.

After Detroit, we hopped back down to the Buckeye state and headed east. I called my sister and she said that it was already on the noon news. 2 down 1 to go. Cleveland was next. While on the turnpike we stopped at a rest area and had a picnic. It was really starting to get warm as temps climbed into the 80's. Once we got to downtown Cleveland we drove our route and then parked behind Browns stadium. Although the team didn't know, I was not feeling hot. I think it was the warm weather and I was just mentally exhausted. All of that changed though once we started this walk. The city had an amazing energy. It was packed with people and while walking here I knew we were having a big impact. I would see business men walk pass and not look me in the eye. Other folks were taking my picture or shooting video from their phone and smiling. I would have some stopping their cars and staring. Some people were like a deer in head lights and staring with disbelief and yet others did not care. We ended this walk by walking down to Lake Erie and the Rock and Roll hall of Fame with the final stop being at Browns stadium. I saw a car do a u turn and then pull up to me. I looked over and it was an Asian couple. I said "God Bless you" and then he said with a nervous and shaky voice, "Ah.. are you.. hot?" He was so nervous in wanting to just speak to me that this was all he could spit out. Again, I really think they thought I was Jesus. I told him I was warm and to have a happy Easter. With a couple hundred yards left to the stadium I was tired and drained. I just stopped. I felt overwhelmed by emotion. I didn't want this to end. I wanted to walk more and go to more cities. I was sad it was over. I then got up to the stadium and set the cross down and said a quick prayer "that people's hearts be touched by what they saw and that they think of you Jesus. Thank you for what you did for us 2000 years ago. In your name, amen."

We then went out for a celebration meal. We found Great Lakes Brewery and had a couple cold beverages and great food. George and I both ordered a burger served on a hot pretzel bun. On the top of both buns was a cross. What a day. There are so many more stories to share and stories that I have heard that have been mind blowing. We were put on the front page of the Toledo Blade, covered all weekend on all three t.v. news station broadcasts, and aired also on a Cleveland station. 10's of 1000's of people saw this. This is not to toot my own horn. This was not about me. This was about Jesus and what we did with a simple idea. I am calling this visual evangelism. We took the visual of Jesus and without even talking made people think of Him. A friend of mine who works at a hospital said that she saw a lady running an AA group and the leader took out a copy of the Blade and asked the group to meditate on the picture. Another woman was having a rough week. On her way to work she was praying and asked Jesus for a sign. Minutes later she saw me and the cross on the bridge. She started crying. What happened next was incredible. She went into work, sharing with people with what she saw. This lady worked with my wife. We then took her out to eat the next week. For over three hours in BW3's we ate wings and talked about Jesus, church, and how screwed up religion is. So many people letting us know that they were touched by this. All praise and glory goes to HIM.

In closing, thank you for reading this. Tom asked me to write an update on Friday's Walk for the May newsletter. Just a paragraph. Sorry this turned into a blog. If you have read this far, thank you. What I am really excited about with this project is that it has been documented. I am currently working on making this into a documentary film and I am excited to announce I have an awesome Los Angeles film maker and company on board to help me edit and share this story. I hope that it will inspire folks to LIVE THEIR FAITH and show that when Jesus is 1st place in your heart, that anything is possible. My goal is to have this completed and have a premier on Good Friday 2011. Please pray for this project. Thank you.

May you go out into the world and take your idea and make it a better place. It may be a difficult thing to pull off but with the spirit of adventure, especially with Jesus, it will be a journey you can't even imagine. "Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me." Matthew 16:24.












Friday, February 26, 2010

Prayer for Pioneering Ministry

We need disciples, we need churches that will dare to risk their very existence for the advancement of the Kingdom of God and the Good News of Jesus Christ. Join me in praying this prayer (Thanks to Brian Anderson for sharing it).

"Disturb us, Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves, when our dreams have come true because we have dreamed too little, when we arrive safely because we sailed too close to the shore. Disturb us, Lord, when with the abundance of things we possess we have lost our thirst for the waters of life; having fallen in love with life, we have ceased to dream of eternity and in our efforts to build a new earth, we have allowed our vision of the new Heaven to dim. Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly , to venture on wider seas where storms will show your mastery; where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars. We ask You to push back the horizons of our hopes; and to push into the future in strength, courage, hope, and love." Attributed to Sir Francis Drake 1577

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Our moment in history

So what makes this current age so special within Church history? I ask this question, because many seem to indicate or outright say that we live in epochal times. Some believe that this age is unlike others before it in the history of the Church. While there may always be some truth to such a statement, I am reticent to make such a proclamation myself. Why? I think there is always a temptation to be somewhat self-aggrandizing when considering our place in history. This is particularly true if you happen to find yourself a participant in a new movement within the Church.

Currently, I am pastor of a new church plant utilizing a model of ministry that focuses on discipleship and the development of missional communities. A lot of the latest buzz words seem to pertain to our ministry—emerging (not so new), organic, missional. I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but they seem to be the biggies. Let me say, I am in love with this ministry that God has called me to. I am passionate about the vision and the importance of missional models of ministry to reach an increasingly secular society. This is change. Big change. NEEDED change within the Church. We have for too long sequestered ourselves behind the walls of buildings and legalistic, man-made categories of belonging. The Church needs to break free from its mausoleums of dead mortar and membership and engage a world in desperate need of the Gospel.

However, I do not believe this is THE moment in history. I do believe this is a moment in history and, more importantly, OUR moment in history. This is the moment, the time, the Kairos of the Kingdom that God has entrusted to us. Will we, the Church, be obedient and allow the Holy Spirit to work through us what God will? Will we take our part in God's ongoing revival, His ongoing plan of redemption, of death and rebirth? To paraphrase Jesus (always a dangerous thing, I know, but entertain me), "Do not worry about what they will think of us tomorrow. They'll have enough to think about." Instead, "Seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness." I'm pretty sure that last part is a direct quote.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Missional Communities

Threshold Church was planted in April 2009 with a missional model of ministry utilizing "clusters" or what we call "Call-outs". Call-outs are mid-sized missional communities whose purpose is focused outward. They are the front lines of evangelism in our church. Planting a church with this model was the result of much prayer and much preparation by the Holy Spirit, that paralleled a trip to St. Thomas Church in Sheffield, UK almost three years ago.

More and more people are realizing the value and necessity of this or a similar model of ministry. About a year ago, Geoff Surratt of Seacoast Church in South Carolina heard about missional communities while in Europe. Now, in a blog entitled "Why small groups don't work" you can read his thoughts on what I believe to be one of the key components to revival in the U. S.

Read Geoff's thoughts here: Why small groups don't work, part 5

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