First, here is the good news. I met with Ruben Duran today. He is the head of EOCM; long name, suffice it to say it is the branch of the national church that votes on mission churches. We discussed Threshold and he informed me of the current state of affairs. He spoke with Marc Miller, Director for Missions, and told Marc that the synod would need to come up with an additional $15,000 a year. Marc will be working on this as soon as he gets back from vacation. Additionally, the ELCA would pledge support of $35,000. But, and this is a big "but", they have no money. None. Consequently, they are prioritizing the new church starts and will give the money, based on priority, as the finances come in.
I'm meeting tomorrow one on one with Ruben to further discuss Threshold. I hope to gain some additional information and understanding of what this development means practically for Threshold. Furthermore, I intend, by the grace of God, to impress on him the import of this mission for Toledo, the Synod, and the ELCA. Please pray for me as I share this vision with Ruben. We are meeting over lunch and we are two hours behind Toledo.
There is still so much to do, but there is much to celebrate. God has opened many doors and smoothed many obstacles already for His mission through Threshold. There are many more roadblocks ahead, but our God is exceedingly powerful and amazingly faithful. Without Him we should not wish to do anything. With Him, we can do all things!
Most who read this blog are aware that Threshold Church is seeking churchwide approval as a Mission Church of the ELCA. We have already received approval from the NW Ohio Synod of the ELCA. I've received the necessary approval to be the mission developer for Threshold. The last hurdle is the ELCA Churchwide approval and the accompanying financial support.
That decision was to be made last week. However, the vote was postponed for all new starts (not just Threshold) until the week of July 19. The information I have indicates that the committee is impressed and intrigued by our "application" and the description of our structure and vision as a church. Though we place no label on ourselves, the substance and style of our ministry tends to place us into the category of an emerging church ministry. This label is the cause of some concern on the part of the committee. Most emerging church ministries struggle financially. Consequently, one concern of those considering support of our ministry is the long-term fiscal feasibility for sustaining the ministry.
This concern is reasonable, because their assessment of emerging church ministries is largely accurate. However, it is not my vision and I do not believe it is God's vision for our ministry to be the recipient of the committed support of those who love God's mission for any more than six years. In fact, I believe we can be self-supporting in five years. Indeed, more than self-supporting, I believe we can be about the task of planting a mission of our own within that time.
For this to happen, we all need to die to self and live for Christ. Our financial giving will have to far exceed that of the average church. But God has not called us to be average. He has called all of us to be "ambassadors for Christ", bringing the Kingdom of God to a world in need. For that to happen, we will need to lay down our lives for God's greater purposes. It will take sacrifice. It will take great faith. It will take courage. Financially, we will all need to take seriously God's standard of sacrificial giving- the tithe or 10% of our income.
The vision for Threshold does not include it being an unsustainable taker of resources for the Kingdom. We are called to be a giving church. I believe that in so many ways. As God blesses our ministry, we will give back to the Church as we are graced with the privilege of teaching other churches how to be missional. We will give back to the Church, by becoming a training ground and launching pad for missionaries who will take the Good News of the Kingdom of God throughout Toledo, Ohio, and beyond. We will give back to the Church by being faithful in our giving and exemplary in our commitment to supporting ministries beyond our own.
This will not be the typical pattern of emerging churches. But it will be our pattern. It will be our pattern or we will fall short of the calling that God has given us. As I considered planting Threshold, God NEVER told me it would be easy. He did assure me that it would be vastly rewarding. I must tell you that same thing. Much will be demanded from us in the days that lie ahead. You will be asked to stretch yourself and risk as perhaps never before in your life. But I can assure you, it will be rewarding. It will be an adventure. Being an ambassador for Christ will give you a sense of fulfillment and purpose for your life like nothing else can. I am willing to do all this. I ask you to join me. More importantly, I believe God is calling us all to do this important work for the Kingdom. May God bless you all!
First, welcome to Crossing the Threshold. This blog is intended to be representative of some of the theological and spiritual thoughts of several followers of Jesus Christ as they seek to grow in their relationship with God. Only one contributor to this blog (Tom Schaeffer) has any academic theological training. The other contributors are all members of Threshold Church who are committed to serving in ministry and growing in spiritual maturity.
The views expressed here are not necessarily the views of Threshold Church. They are the thoughts and musings of people on a journey- a journey to know and make Christ known. This is a place to share and work things out, to invite dialogue and learn from one another. It is a place to critique and encourage in a spirit of corporate learning and humility. We hope you will join us.