Saturday, June 12, 2010

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Searching for Kairos

Morn' mates. Wow, what a weekend we just had. We have been going non stop and I have had no time to blog if anyone is checking. I have been journaling and taking notes (already 20 pages) and have learned so much already and the convention starts today. I just want to say real quick that Threshold is doing a great job. We ARE so on track and have the working dna of this movement. Thank God we are an organic church. Trust me when I say the word movement. It is happening and going explode all over the world. How exciting that we are part of this amazing history of the church.
Kent Hunter said it might take up to 6months to a year, maybe longer to process everything we are seeing and doing. I think there is some truth in that. Since, I am so pressed for time right now, just want u to know we are seeing amazing things. These folks are the true living body, meaning they are living their walk on a daily basis as disciple. Not just on Sun. or once a month in a cluster (callout) I feel we have much more to do in this area. We are not lazy Americans. We just have to simply start just living more for Jesus and then everything else will fall in place. Sorry if that sounds confusing. On a quick side note, it is true about teeth. The would enjoy that dry english humour. lol.
Couple quick things. The are living in a biblical community. They really and truly go out and establish relationships with the world. They LIVE while all doing lifeshapes and being in discipleship programs. The culture has been fun and interesting. The people of England are real nice are going crazy in regards to the world cup. The food is been funny. I have tried to be adventurous and try new things. Bangers and Mash anyone? Bajed beans for breakfast? Also tried Marmade. uggh You put it on toast. Nasty. Yesterday was awesome. Went to 3 worship services. That made a huge impact on us and to sum up in one word: AUTHENTIC. So real. We went to a cluster event too. Have to hop in shower. More to come. Thanks for prayer and talk soon. Cheers, j and s

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Getting ready to fly across the pond. I will do my best to blog if time allows. We are heading to St. Thomas church in Sheffield, UK. Only 300 people from around the world are invited to attend what is called pilgrimage week. After looking up the word pilgrimage in Websters it states- a journey made by a pilgrim, esp. to a holy place. That made the hair on my arms stand up. My center of focus upon arriving is to empty my cup and absorb and learn everything the Holy Spirit will allow me to. I am so interested in how this church started and what amazing things they are doing. Specifically in the area of what scripture this ministry is based on. Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4. I want to learn and experience how they use these different gifts for a biblical basis for ministry in person. Also, super excited to learn about Form, see their clusters (callouts), and experience authentic worship and hopefully some prophecy. I hope to meet Mike Breen, have a few pints in a real pub, witness the country side and all the history of the country, especially the churches and further my study on Life Shapes. Anyhoo, gotta run. Thank you to all who supported Sam and I. We love you and thank you. Talk to you soon and please keep us in prayer. Peace, j