Why are so many of us satisfied with a life that is mundane? I am reading through the book of Acts and I am floored by the kind of life lived by the apostles. They lived, man! There was no governor on the power that fueled them. Life was lived wide-open.
I want that kind of life. I want to experience a Christianity like that in Acts 2 when it says, "everyone was filled with awe." They couldn't believe what God was doing in and through them. But, they embraced it. They basked in it. They were immersed in this life. That's what it means to be "filled with" or to "be baptized in" the Holy Spirit. Life runs best on the perfect mixture of fuel and air, Word and Spirit.
Even now, that's what I see happening in my life. I'm studying the Word of God and the life of the early Christ-followers empowered by the Holy Spirit. As I do, I open myself up more to the Holy Spirit to empower me. Fuel and air. I just want to keep throttling it up, studying God's Word, praying "Come, Holy Spirit, Come!" Then I want to take this high-octane life called Christianity out on the road and really open 'er up! Forget the mundane. Forget the boring. The predictable. Let's live!
A Kingdom Outpost: More Than A Meeting
8 years ago
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