I'm hardly a details person, but I am a planner. Big picture visionary stuff is kind of my thing. I can see the finished whole. I understand what it will take to get there. I can envision what elements are necessary for the accomplishment of the goals and who is needed to make them happen. Again the day to day tactical, not so much, but I take real pride in orchestrating the movement of the organization towards its preferred future. Or, perhaps, I should say, "TOOK real pride."
Why do I say that? Well, in what is a very unnerving turn of events, the finished whole now seems to be beyond my sight. I have no clear picture of the destination. In the absence of that vision, I find myself in an incredibly vulnerable leadership position. My greatest strengths have been stripped away. Previously, I found great security in being out in front. That is, after all, where a leader is supposed to be. However, now I increasingly find myself leading from the middle. How can that be? Ah, that IS the question, isn't it?
It is, as if, the whole church is being swept up in some change, pulled (or led) in some direction, wholly removed from the leadership of any one person. Do not misunderstand this to mean that the church is without direction. Not at all. The longer we are caught up in this, the clearer the direction becomes, the more definitively intelligent and wise it proves to be.
What can I compare this to? I've sat here for a good 45 minutes thinking about that and here is the best I can come up with. It is as if you are looking at a painting by Monet, but at the start the painting is a mere few centimeters from your eyes. What you see are colors, dots of color, without any apparent pattern or purpose. You cannot see the big picture. The entirety of the canvass is beyond your field of vision. However, ever so slow the painting is being pulled back, giving you perspective. Dots of color begin to gather into patterns. Order emerges from chaos. You begin to become aware of the whole. You cannot complete it, but you know without a shadow of a doubt that it is there and that when you do see it, it will be beautiful, a masterpiece. Slowly you gain perspective. Your eyes, your mind decipher the pattern as it's revealed.
What that means for me is that I cannot lead from the front. I must lead from the middle. Leading from the front is defined by orchestration. Leading from the middle is defined by interpretation. Consider the conductor of an orchestra. This leadership is dependent on knowing what piece that is to be played. Only then can the conductor lead the pieces of the whole in creating a desired outcome- in this case beautiful music. This is leading from the front. Leading from the middle requires an entirely different skill set. Leading from the middle is about listening to the music as opposed to leading it. It's indentifying the melody amidst the sound. It involves processing and contextualizing the big picture as it is revealed in ever growing but minute proportions. Then the leader's role becomes revelation, helping the church to see and to embrace the masterpiece that God is making of it.
Well, as I have said, these are certainly not finished thoughts. They are thoughts in process, as I increasingly understand that all things are. I have no doubt that I will change my mind, contradict myself, and come back around to where I've started more than a few times as I think my way through this. But, slowly, I know, order will emerge from the chaos. Let me know what you think, because you are, no doubt, a part of this big picture.