The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America made a decision at its churchwide assembly that will likely leave this denomination greatly divided. When we decided to launch Threshold Church as a mission congregation of the ELCA, we resolved to remain within this church body regardless of what decision was made. I felt this struggle was an important one for us to remain in dialogue over, to do so in a manner of love and humility, and not to run and hide from this difficult issue. I am conflicted over the decision of the ELCA, yet my immediate concern is for our unity in Christ and our witness to the world. The Kingdom of God is not served by anger, hatred, and division. So, I pray for our unity in Christ, who is the great equalizer. When we are in Him, in covenant we the Holy One of God, we find that we are all broken, all sinners and, yet, all loved, all forgiven.
I met Nadia Bolz-Weber, pastor of the Church for All Sinners and Saints, in Denver. Though our ministries and our orthopraxi are very different, I hold a respect for Nadia as she and her church struggle to live out their identity in Christ. As we struggle for healing in the midst of our brokenness, I find the words of reconciliation shared by my sister in Christ from "across the aisle" to be the words of reconciliation that I, too, hope fills the ears of all.
First, welcome to Crossing the Threshold. This blog is intended to be representative of some of the theological and spiritual thoughts of several followers of Jesus Christ as they seek to grow in their relationship with God. Only one contributor to this blog (Tom Schaeffer) has any academic theological training. The other contributors are all members of Threshold Church who are committed to serving in ministry and growing in spiritual maturity.
The views expressed here are not necessarily the views of Threshold Church. They are the thoughts and musings of people on a journey- a journey to know and make Christ known. This is a place to share and work things out, to invite dialogue and learn from one another. It is a place to critique and encourage in a spirit of corporate learning and humility. We hope you will join us.
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