Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Our moment in history

So what makes this current age so special within Church history? I ask this question, because many seem to indicate or outright say that we live in epochal times. Some believe that this age is unlike others before it in the history of the Church. While there may always be some truth to such a statement, I am reticent to make such a proclamation myself. Why? I think there is always a temptation to be somewhat self-aggrandizing when considering our place in history. This is particularly true if you happen to find yourself a participant in a new movement within the Church.

Currently, I am pastor of a new church plant utilizing a model of ministry that focuses on discipleship and the development of missional communities. A lot of the latest buzz words seem to pertain to our ministry—emerging (not so new), organic, missional. I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but they seem to be the biggies. Let me say, I am in love with this ministry that God has called me to. I am passionate about the vision and the importance of missional models of ministry to reach an increasingly secular society. This is change. Big change. NEEDED change within the Church. We have for too long sequestered ourselves behind the walls of buildings and legalistic, man-made categories of belonging. The Church needs to break free from its mausoleums of dead mortar and membership and engage a world in desperate need of the Gospel.

However, I do not believe this is THE moment in history. I do believe this is a moment in history and, more importantly, OUR moment in history. This is the moment, the time, the Kairos of the Kingdom that God has entrusted to us. Will we, the Church, be obedient and allow the Holy Spirit to work through us what God will? Will we take our part in God's ongoing revival, His ongoing plan of redemption, of death and rebirth? To paraphrase Jesus (always a dangerous thing, I know, but entertain me), "Do not worry about what they will think of us tomorrow. They'll have enough to think about." Instead, "Seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness." I'm pretty sure that last part is a direct quote.

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