Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I saw God today...

I saw God today…

Your mission, should you decide to accept it… What t.v. show or movie? If you don’t know then I’m too old. Mission Impossible, kids. The word mission has always been intriguing to me. When I think of the word it reminds me of adventure, a purpose, or goal to achieve. Sometimes it is mysterious and top secret like in espionage films or Navy Seal operations. Many companies have what are called mission statements. A statement to remind folks of what they are doing and to always keep focused on that. When checking out Merriam-Webster.com here is a quick paste of part of what I found:

Definition of MISSION

1. obsolete : the act or an instance of sending : a ministry commissioned by a religious organization to propagate its faith or carry on humanitarian work b : assignment to or work in a field of missionary enterprise c (1) : a mission establishment (2) : a local church or parish dependent on a larger religious organization for direction or financial support d plural : organized missionary work e : a course of sermons and services given to convert the unchurched or quicken Christian faith

? Sort of confused by this online version, I grabbed my old Webster’s dictionary from 1970 and it states:

1. A sending out or being sent out to perform a special duty.

2. A) a group of missionaries.

B) it’s headquarters.

3. A diplomatic delegation.

4. The special duty on which one is sent.

5. The special task for which one seems destined in life; calling ( J )

Still confused? No worries. Your mission should you decide to accept it: The Great Commission.

11 disciples go to a mountain in Galilee, where they were told to go. Jesus then tells them and you:

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28 : 18-20

Threshold church. A missional church. A place of worship and prayer in Toledo, Ohio. A church recently placed by God on the University of Toledo campus, to make disciples. To hear of this story of how we got here is nothing short of a miracle. What is really exciting now is going back to the mission aspect. We know now what our mission is. We know now what our mission field is. Now it is time to go out and let God work through us to do his will. Exciting times are in front of us. An adventurous time. A roller coaster? Clink.. Clink.. A God adventure is the best and only ride, especially one filled with faith. (Heb 11:1) One that we are ready to go on. Ready to hop on?

After having a fantastic lunch and inspirational conversation with PT at Ferdos, I felt led to do something. With today being the first day of classes at the University, I wanted to go walk and pray on our new mission field. My sole purpose was to just walk and talk with God. To walk around campus, silently pray “I love you. God Bless you,” to the students I walked past. And also, re familiarize myself with campus, buildings and where things are. As I started my walk, it started bringing back many memories from when I was a student there. Almost 20 years ago. YIKES!

The sounds of flip flops and laughter filled the air on this warm but breezy August Monday. It was funny while walking past kids. Many were talking or texting on cell phones. Some you could tell were excited to be back living life as a student while heading to their next new class. You could also spot the nervous freshman a mile a way. Afraid to make eye contact and looking straight at the ground. Another dude wore baggy jeans and a Metallica t-shirt. His face showed all seriousness. I wondered if he was in ROTC. I told him silently to “Rock on, God Bless you brother.” As I walked further in to campus, I started to feel a peace. Something just felt right. I headed through campus, found the student union, the library and various buildings. I then walked across the bridge towards the athletic complex and found the outdoor track. Here I walked a mile and came to a realization that Threshold is at the start of a new adventure. We have been given our mission. I then prayed that we do His will on this campus and then said the Lord’s prayer. After that I just tried to be quiet and enjoy the sun popping through the clouds. On my way back into campus is when it happened. I saw God today.

The next half an hour was intense. I guess in my own ignorance I had just thought everyone around me were atheist kids and organizations. Wondering and praying HOW we are going to connect with these students. According to Barna research, 18-25-year olds are the least likely age group to attend church. Another piece of research shows, The national average of Christians on university campuses is less than 5 percent. You read quotes like this and hear people say them and in a weird way you already feel defeated. It feels like we have already lost the fight. Wrong! What happened to me next changed my attitude and approach to these kids. God is everywhere. He is all over the University. I just had to open my eyes. The first was getting out of my comfort zone of just walking and to start talking. To connect with some people. Then a feeling of peace overcame me again and then it felt like a monkey was soon to jump off my back.

While walking back to the campus I glanced over to the Glass Bowl. Crews were working on the scoreboard and I was hoping that the team was going to be good this year. I then crossed the street and walked up to information booth. Set up on the first day of classes to help guide students and give out information. Deep down I was just hoping to score a football schedule but was given a directory of student organizations magazine, a student day runner and a pen. I thanked the guy and opened up the day runner. It listed the academic calendar, important numbers, and the Rocket football schedule. Kewl. I then walked back across the bridge and saw another table set up. It was quite simple. A stack of index cards, pieces of candy and two dudes standing there smiling.

“What’s up fellas?”, I asked. “ Would you like to fill out one of our cards?” I picked up a card and read the top: 60 Second Spiritual Perspective Questionnaire. I chuckeld and then had a great five minute conversation with these impressive young warriors. They were with an organization called Campus Crusade for Christ. I got their contact info and shared with them Threshold. If they were in need of a house of prayer or worship that our doors are open and all are welcome. I walked away feeling that peace again. Knowing that we as a body of Christ are going to partner and work with them in the near future. I headed into the main campus and found a bench. Sitting underneath the shade of a small tree I took a glance around the buildings, feeling once again like a college kid. I then glanced to my left hand and opened my student organization magazine. I opened it right to a page that sort of took my breath away. What I was staring at was almost shocking.

RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. Holy Toledo. I then counted over 24 different organizations. 22 of them dealing with Christ. I then glanced up into the quad. Watching all of the students. It hit me that we are all God’s children. Christians are everywhere. We are all brothers and sisters. We can all work together to fulfill the mission. I then said a prayer of thanks. Thanks for allowing me to see what I didn’t know. All I had to do was open my eyes and more importantly my heart.

As I continued my walk back to Threshold something caught my eye. I was on the corner of Campus road and Scott Hall. Looking down on the steps of the hall, I saw some chalk art. At this moment, I nervously laughed and looked at the sky. “Ok, I get it,” I told the Lord. Looking down on the steps in different colors of chalk it read: GOD IS LOVE.

As I turned right onto Campus road I then heard something loud. It startled me at first but then is was music to me ears, literally. It was just a car coming up from behind me. The stereo was beyond loud. I laughed out loud, thinking I used to do the same thing when I got done from a busy day of classes. I rolled my windows down and then cranked the stereo on 11. As the car passed me I quickly looked at the student. I could not see him but could hear the music. It was a song called Monster. A hit from one the biggest Christian hard rock bands of our time, Skillet. “Rock on. God Bless you brother.”

If you have read this far, I thank you. I have one request for you. If you are member of Threshold, a supporter of Threshold, or just finding out about Threshold, please pray. That is it. Pray for our new mission field. Every person on our campus. The University President, faculty, staff and of course all of the students. Our new mission field has over 20,000+ people. God has put us here for a reason. Pretty awesome yet very humbling to say the least. As we are ready to enter into this exciting new season, please join us in this mission. That His will be done. YOU can be with us. This is going to be an amazing adventure. One that is part of a gigantic God movement happening all over the world. Now is the time. You don’t want to miss this revival. Exciting times are happening now.

From Jaeson Ma’s exciting book , The Blue Print, I will close with this: “Dr. Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, always said, Win the campus today and change the world tomorrow! He understood that reaching college students for Christ is the key to transforming society. His vision to change the campus in order to reach the world has impacted countless millions with the gospel. We must establish God’s kingdom, His Church, on every college and university campus in this generation because this is where reformation begins. The campus is the greatest mission field in our world today.”

Your mission should you choose to accept it..

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