Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Yay Holiday Weekends!

What an awesome weekend! Finally it felt like Spring. The weather was beautiful. My whole family is home (oldest daughter has returned from college) and my sister was in for a visit. We ate, drank, played card games, watched a couple of movies on video, and were just generally carefree and laid back.

For the record, "Dan in Real Life" was BORING. It wasn't even a good chick flick. Predictable. Guy falls in love with girl he can't have. Bad things happen. All seems lost. Guy gets girl. Hooray. Everyone's happy. Blah! I don't think there was a single laugh out loud moment in this movie that starred two of the funniest people alive- Dane Cook and Steve Carell.

The second film we watched was "Transformers." At least things blow up in that movie. Still, nothing could dampen a weekend of sheer relaxation and good company. I hope everyone had such a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, just wanted you to know that I'm reading the blog...
    I don't have anything to say about movies. The last movie I saw was...um...High School Musical 2. For the record I loved it. No, I really did!
    But I do love holiday weekends.
