I’m going to keep it short tonight. Today was an awesome day for me spiritually. This week has been everything I have hoped for and more. It is not that I am learning some radically different things than last year. Though we did hear some challenging teaching today from Paul Maconochie on Spiritual Warfare. It is, rather, the growth that God is producing in me. It is the time spent in worship and prayer. It is the encouragement and grace that accompanies this ministry and the people involved in it. It is more than just feeling recharged. It is though the Holy Spirit battery within me has been changed from a AAA to a D. My capacity for the Holy Spirit has increased and thus so has the power of the Holy Spirit in my life. Praise be to God!
A Kingdom Outpost: More Than A Meeting
8 years ago
I am excited about the trip-I can tell it’s making a difference-Tom-run with it-allow God to run straight through you-straight into the hearts and minds of those who will hear more-more about God. Man-wish I was there-sure we will relive the time and teaching in detail-see you soon friend -Michael